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Vanilla comes from the plant Vanilla planifolia which is a fleshy climbing Orchid that grows around the trunk of another tree or with some other kind of support.

  The use of vanilla carries a whole history since the sought-after plant was first known to the Totonaco Indian tribe from Mexico who inhabited the Gulf of Mexico valley known today as Vera Cruz. According to mythology the tropical orchid was born when Princess Xanat fled to the forest with her common mortal lover. There the forbidden couple was arrested and the two youths were beheaded. In the place where their blood fell, the plant that bears the well-known vanilla fruits grew.

Later, when the Aztecs conquered the region, they highly valued the tasty fruits, and while the other tribes provided gold and wheat to their conquerors, the Totonaco Indians provided vanilla fruits.

Once the Spanish conquered Mexico, history repeated itself and thus the Spanish got to know the plant and brought vanilla to their homeland which they combined with cocoa to prepare a pleasant drink, affordable only to the rich of the time.

Then natural vanilla became known to the aristocracy of England where its properties were used in the production of drinks.

Vanilla production was limited to the region of Mexico, until the French brought fruit of the plant to Reunion Island and Mauritius in the hope of cultivating it in those lands that had a similar climate. The problem with growing vanilla was the pollination of the plant by a species of bee found in Mexico. This problem was solved when a way of pollination was found on the island of Reunion by hand, which continues to this day. The French developed large plantations on the island, where genuine quality vanilla was named Bourbon. The same form of pollination became known in the islands of Madagascar and Comoros, where the largest amount of fruit is produced today.

Vanilla is produced in five regions of the world. Vanilla produced in Madagascar, Comoros, Reunion, Seychelles, is called Bourbon and is considered superior in quality with the creamiest, sweetest taste. Other growing areas are Indonesia, Tahiti, India and Mexico, where the fruit has different characteristics each time.

Its fruits are collected and wrapped to be subjected to high temperature and humidity to get rid of microbial loads, get their characteristic color and retain their oils.

Vanilla is used in confectionery, cooking and in the preparation of cigarette flavors and liqueurs.

  Natural vanilla fructus should not be confused with vanillin which is prepared with the help of chemistry.

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